Saturday, September 29, 2012

current connection 2

                                                           Mainstream Media is  our threatening our Countrys Future

Have you ever let the media help you make a decsion about politics or beliefs? beacause nowadays media

is only telling the good things about political leaders. The media has become biassed many reporters are

related or married or just good friends with the political leaders of our country. In the first admendment

the goverment gave the right to media to tell the people the truth about our leaders. and nowadays they

dont tell when millions of dollars that go to help the econmy really just go to business that support that

leader. example the stimulus project most of that money went to bussiness that supported obama in the .

presidential race. the author of this points out many holes in our political world and media world.which i

agree with and its not just with the demorcrates its happening everwhere! whe as the people need to know

the full truth. reporters should realize their job is to fun the under storys and if a couple reproters start

digging for the truth then more will. back in the day the political leaders hated the media. Nowdays the

the media is bassicly who helps elect them. i feel this author has reallized something that could help america from ruining itslef from a democracy.

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