Wednesday, November 7, 2012

what should a billonaire give

when you give to charitys do you do it from the bottom of your heart or just to look like thatyou care?
When bll gates found out about children dieing from severe diaheere.Hedidnt just give money he actully cared and started a charity.that shows he trully cares he spent time instead ofmoney warren buffet gave 31      billion dollars to gates charity according to peter singer.Ithink money can help but giving your time to someone less fortunate goes alot longer.bill gates didnt just give money he also gave his time,unlike warren buffet who just gave money.this why i belive philanthorpy is a moral obligation but i think being a phianthropist is giving your time rather than your resources .Ithink that it shows that you care by giving your time.

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