Sunday, September 16, 2012

Space Walkers use Toothbrush to Fix Space Station
It took hard work and some MacGyver like ingenuity, to fix a key component on the international space station. Nasa astournot Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide spent nearly 6 and a half hours in space to properly install a pair of bolts that had caused problems. So they came up with a tool with the help of flight controllers, engineers and veteran space walkers .they came up with a couple of tools only with the items on the space station which included ;a modified toothbrush a cleaning tool that was made up of metal wires that were bent back to make a brush. Which eventually the modified tooth brush fixed the bolts which led to fixing the space station.
Its really amazing to see how advanced we are in space technology but also how simple they make it look this story is good presentation of hard work and teamwork,
They worked around the clock trying to fix this bolt.
This story really reminds of Apollo 13 crazy to think of the less technology back then and still being able to fix it and bring them back home. Even though this bolt wasn’t a big issues its still a cool story of American engineering and hard work. I’m just glad to know that as Americans some of us still have lets work this out and fix it ourselves attitude. Unlike some of our leaders.
So next time your using at toothbrush just think about the intenational space station.

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