Wednesday, November 7, 2012

what should a billonaire give

when you give to charitys do you do it from the bottom of your heart or just to look like thatyou care?
When bll gates found out about children dieing from severe diaheere.Hedidnt just give money he actully cared and started a charity.that shows he trully cares he spent time instead ofmoney warren buffet gave 31      billion dollars to gates charity according to peter singer.Ithink money can help but giving your time to someone less fortunate goes alot longer.bill gates didnt just give money he also gave his time,unlike warren buffet who just gave money.this why i belive philanthorpy is a moral obligation but i think being a phianthropist is giving your time rather than your resources .Ithink that it shows that you care by giving your time.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

current connection 2

                                                           Mainstream Media is  our threatening our Countrys Future

Have you ever let the media help you make a decsion about politics or beliefs? beacause nowadays media

is only telling the good things about political leaders. The media has become biassed many reporters are

related or married or just good friends with the political leaders of our country. In the first admendment

the goverment gave the right to media to tell the people the truth about our leaders. and nowadays they

dont tell when millions of dollars that go to help the econmy really just go to business that support that

leader. example the stimulus project most of that money went to bussiness that supported obama in the .

presidential race. the author of this points out many holes in our political world and media world.which i

agree with and its not just with the demorcrates its happening everwhere! whe as the people need to know

the full truth. reporters should realize their job is to fun the under storys and if a couple reproters start

digging for the truth then more will. back in the day the political leaders hated the media. Nowdays the

the media is bassicly who helps elect them. i feel this author has reallized something that could help america from ruining itslef from a democracy.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

narcissus image

the man in this image represents narcious from the myth(narcisus and echo).the man is staring at himself in a pond,just like narcisus."cannot move for he so marvels at himself,and lies with countenance unchanged.(407).by not seeing or noticcing the half naked woman beside him.we can infer that this picture narcissus beacause he is only looking at himself beacause of his beauty .

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Space Walkers use Toothbrush to Fix Space Station
It took hard work and some MacGyver like ingenuity, to fix a key component on the international space station. Nasa astournot Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide spent nearly 6 and a half hours in space to properly install a pair of bolts that had caused problems. So they came up with a tool with the help of flight controllers, engineers and veteran space walkers .they came up with a couple of tools only with the items on the space station which included ;a modified toothbrush a cleaning tool that was made up of metal wires that were bent back to make a brush. Which eventually the modified tooth brush fixed the bolts which led to fixing the space station.
Its really amazing to see how advanced we are in space technology but also how simple they make it look this story is good presentation of hard work and teamwork,
They worked around the clock trying to fix this bolt.
This story really reminds of Apollo 13 crazy to think of the less technology back then and still being able to fix it and bring them back home. Even though this bolt wasn’t a big issues its still a cool story of American engineering and hard work. I’m just glad to know that as Americans some of us still have lets work this out and fix it ourselves attitude. Unlike some of our leaders.
So next time your using at toothbrush just think about the intenational space station.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bucket list

Our Boys   by Joe drape
The reason i wanna read this book is that i like football.and my dad read it and said it was really its on the new york times best seller so it has to be good.its about a team that has won 46 games in a row sounds really cool

Unbroken   by Laura Hillenmbrand
ive heard alot about this book especially from my mom and family,she said it was one of her favorite books.its an awesome story of a pow(prisoner of war)in japan he eventually made it home and its the story of his life after the the author of this book is highly respected

Columbine by Dave Cullen
 ive always heard about this shooting just knew it happpend.never knew who did it or why they did i guess it would be a good info book for general it tells what really happend and what didnt happen.

Life as We Knew it  by susan beth pfeefer
ive heard about this book since 5th grade and its still  popular so it must be good.its about the world ending beacause of an astriod hitting the moon.which is really the world ending is really intresting.

Pop by Gordon Korman
Ive read many Gordon Korman books.Probably one of my favortite this must be good.its about football which i really like.seems intresting

Son of the Mob  by Gordon Korman
agian Gordon Korman is one of my favorite authors and this book espescially seems intresting beacause the kid in this book doesnt know who his dad is.which is intresting about the journey of him finding out about his dad.

Double Cross   by Ben Macintyre
its about D day which is really intresting. Its about spys that helped plan out the attack on normady.Which i guess i knew that spys were used during that but i never thought about seems really intresting.

The Long Run by Mishka Shubaly

its about a guy who is knewly sober that finds out he can run really far(long distance)really intresting plus i love storys of trimpuh

I amThe Secert Footballer  By author not named
Its about the inside of profesional football and the coaching jobs.about all the secerts.seems really intresing plus ive always wonderd about profesional coaching so seems really cool .

Soldier X   By Don L Wuffson

ive heard alot of good things about this book from my friends.its about a soldier during world war 2
who gets stuck behind enemy lines and has to stay their for a while.seems like a really intresting.